Monday, November 23, 2009

Day One

NEW Journal Entry #1
For the Date Of: November 23, 2009

Food Eaten:

Breakfast: Oatmeal w/mashed banana. Sprinkled a little brown sugar on it, and drank a little pink lemonade. Note to self: INVEST IN MORE WATER FILTER AND CALORIE-FREE DRINK SINGLES! Total Calories: 460

Snack: Apple

Lunch: Michelina's Harmony BBQ Chicken and Rice Total Calories: 362

Dinner: Two hot dogs on enriched white bread Total Calories: 390

Snack: 1/2 cup mint chip ice cream, 2 cups air-popped popcorn, 1 piece of cake Total Calories: 601

Total Calories: 1813

Wow- off to a terrible start! But already, I've learned things. First of all, I need to make sure I have access to healthy beverages, which will keep me full longer and aren't full of calories.

I also need to seriously pay better attention to my portions. I had a healthy breakfast of oatmeal, but consumed more calories then when I ate an unhealthy dinner! This is because I actually paid careful attention to the calories I was eating at dinner.

Snack-wise, I made a good choice with the air-popped popcorn. Then it was complete and utter failsauce when I got super-hungry later on in the night and scarfed some cake and ice cream. Why? IT WAS THERE. Must get rid of temptation from the house!!!! Also, must save some of the calories throughout the day for a before-bed snack.

Most people say you shouldn't eat before bed, but I HAVE to. I'm still nursing through the night, and it just sucks up so much energy and calories that I'm literally waking up starving.

Failure is bad- but learning from failure, that's okay.


As I’ve mentioned previously, with the added ‘burden’ of another child to pay for, a gym membership is out of the question! I have wasted FAR too much money on memberships in the past, and I’m determined just to work out at home.

I'm going to spend as much time today as possible working on an exercise plan to figure out how many calories to burn. I want to do my 10 Minute Trainer DVDs for exercise, but I know I get bored easily, so I plan to mix it up as much as possible.

Tried getting some exercise in last night, but my little guy wanted to climb all over the stair-machine, so I only got in 300 steps (about 45 calories burned). Frustrating! Made note to self: Get up earlier tomorrow and do one 10-minute cardio workout in the morning.

Total workout time: 5 minutes

The Day After:

Feeling fine. Didn't get much exercise in. Still determined to stick by this plan. Motivation is good. Got to keep this motivation- it's really critical at this point.

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