Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day 2 - Challenges

So in addition to my regular daily challenges (meet calorie/exercise goals, drink 8 cups of water) I think it would be fun to take on daily challenges.  It will help mix things up and keep me from getting bored (which, let's face it, is the number one thing that's held me back in the past).'

TrainerBob (Bob Harper, The Biggest Loser) tweets daily challenges, and I'm going to take today's challenge from him:

-50 bicep curls
-50 tricep dips
-50 shoulder presses
-50 lateral raises

Wow!  That's a lot.  :)  However, I can totally do it!  Was planning on doing an upper body workout today, anyways.

You know what, though...  Why don't I make it 51 of each?   3 sets, 17 reps each.  Boo-yah!

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