Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day 10

Not really an ideal day yesterday.  Most of the day went well then I got hungry and snacked on cookies.  Not celery or carrots, which were available.  Then I got so pissed at myself I threw all the cookies in the trash.  Hurray for small victories!

My calories for the day were at 1703, but minus my nursing calories (which automatically deduct from my food tracker at MFP), I was at 1503, which is almost perfect.  Didn't do any exercise, though, again due to chest cold and that time of the month.  Hey, body, any time you wanna get better......

So my TDEE is 2036-1703+200=533

Target daily deficit: 811
Total daily deficit: 533

Not as good as it should have been.  Glad I threw those cookies out.

On the plus side, I have pre-made tonights dinner last night, so at least I don't have to fumble around wondering what to eat come dinner tonight!  I'll be having a half-cup of parboiled rice, a half cup of mixed veggies, and half a chicken breast.  Total calories = 325.  Also going to treat myself to a six-inch subway sub for lunch (turkey breast on wheat, no cheese or mayo) which will work out to 226 kcal.  I anticipate today's numbers will be better than yesterday.

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