Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Day 15 - (Third Weigh-in)

Well, it's been about two weeks since I decided to start eating better (after taking a month off).  Time to do another weigh-in.  As of today I'm at 146 pounds, which is down 3.2 pounds from last monday and 2.4 pounds overall.  Yay!

But also, boo!  Because on Friday (April 2) I was at 144.4 pounds.

Basically, I had an Easter weekend chock-full of turkey dinners.  Didn't do too bad as far as candy is concerned, but I had three turkey dinners in a row which isn't ideal.  Calorie-wise, I don't think I did TOO terribly, but I know I didn't drink nearly as much water as I could have and consumed more sodium than I should have.  I'm confident that the 1.6 pounds I seem to have gained over the weekend is water weight, so I'm not TOO upset.

Actually, I'm very happy right now because for over a month, my weight bounced between 147 and 149 pounds.  I could NOT seem to get below 147.  I do believe it was because I lost 20 pounds so fast- my body didn't know what was going on, so I hit a plateau.  I spent a little over a month not eating too poorly, but also not creating a calorie deficit.  I just ate to maintain my weight.  This 'reassured' my body that no, I wasn't starving to death.  So now that I'm trying to lose again, it seems that my body is (again) willing to let go of some weight.  Thank heavens!  I'm so happy to be below 147.  Plateau breaked!

Still, I wasn't exactly miss good-dieter over the weekend.  Time to start fresh again today!  I'm happy because there are no events on the horizon that would cause temptation.  Joey's birthday is over, Easter is over.... it's all smooth (well, smoothER) sailing from here. 

Honestly, I'm just excited to hit 135.  Of course 125 is my ideal target weight, but 135 is my 'happy' weight.  That is, I look good when I'm 135.  I feel good, I'm healthy and happy.  I don't have to work as hard to maintain 135 as I do with 125.  I can LIVE with 135. 

I've got today all mapped out, calories counted.  Doing really well so far- wish me luck!

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