Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day 15 (Summary)

So here's the thing: I'm awesome at keeping to my calories all day.  Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks.  Then after dinner, when I'm sitting down to relax, I wind up snacking without fail.  It's like a compulsion, one I cannot seem to shake.  Last night Steve sat down next to me with a bowl of popcorn, and I started eating- WITHOUT EVEN REALIZING I WAS EATING.  How fucked-up is that?  That you can be sitting down and putting food into your mouth without thinking about it?

I'm aware of this- this is what I'm going to focus on all week.  Going from dinner to bed without snacking.  Can I do it?  God, I hope so.

Calorie intake last night wasn't TERRIBLE, but I was at 1700 which is about 200 above my target. 

Didn't exercise (excuses, excuses!  Really I was just too busy setting up my computer, which I FINALLY got back from the shop!!!!), either. 

Target Daily Deficit: 811
Actual Daily Deficit: 336 (+200 nursince calories)= 536

So, not terribly abysmal but also nothing worth writing home about.  On the plus side- I did get my 8 cups of water in yesterday and, popcorn and all, was only at 1479mg of sodium (more than 1000mg under my 'max').  Hurray for small victories!!!

1 comment:

mjh5141 said...

I wouldn't try to cut out your after-dinner snack entirely, because you'll probably go nuts. At least, I know that I live for those snacks. ^_^ Instead, try to make it a healthier snack. Instead of a bowl of popcorn, try a piece of fruit and yogurt, or some veggies and hummus. What I really would love to do is to up my fiber intake so that I'm just not hungry when it comes to that time of day. I know boredom eating at night is my biggest enemy, and I'm fighting it right now!!