Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Day Eight

Journal Entry #8

For the Date Of: March 17/08

Food Eaten:

I think that this was my best day yet, diet-wise. I didn’t feel hungry or deprived all day long, I ate some GREAT food (created my own recipe!)… and had LOTS of energy to burn. It was terrific! A real triumph.

For breakfast, I had oatmeal, and iced tea (crystal light, mixed with water). For lunch, more oatmeal (forgot to pack a lunch, lol). For dinner, I had home-made vegetarian spaghetti sauce on whole wheat noodles, with a little grated cheese on top, and some chocolate Silk to drink. Delicious!!!

To make my vegetarian spaghetti sauce, I take a small package of soy ground round (about a cup) and brown it in a saucepan with some onion powder and garlic salt. I toss in a can of diced tomatoes, and some tomato paste to thicken. Chop up about a half of cup of mushrooms (you can add more, but I’m not big on mushrooms) and toss it in. Cook and simmer together until nice and hot, and serve over whole wheat spaghetti noodles. Sprinkle a LITTLE cheese on top, and it’s to die for!

According to my FitDay tracker, I consumed about 1150 calories. 17 grams of fat (15%), 233 grams of carbs (73%) and 34 grams of protein (13%- could be better!). That’s well below my target maximum calorie intake of 1600. I’m thinking that I could have eaten a little more protein, for sure. Otherwise, I did awesome! Good self-control.


After doing that intermediate Pilates workout on Sunday, I was soooooore! I couldn’t believe how well-exercised I felt in my thighs (though my arms and shoulders and abs still felt good). Despite this, I dragged my sorry butt to the gym last night for the first time with my son, since he’s feeling better. He LOVED playing with the toys and the other kids.

I did three sets of 15 on all of the machines, and a total of 10 minutes of cardio on the bike. I should have done more cardio, I know… but after the intense pilates workout from the day before, I was BEAT! Headed home feeling great, though!

According to my FitDay tracker, I burned about 2632 calories yesterday.

Total workout time: 45 minutes

Approx. Calorie Deficit: 1482

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