Monday, March 17, 2008

Week One- Summary

I’ve decided that at the end of every week, I’m going to create a post to discuss how I did, what I’ve learned, and do my official ‘weigh-in’. This is very important, I think, to make sure that I’m staying on-track.

Week One Summary:

Starting Weight: 150
Ending Weight: 148


Every day this week, I managed to get in some form of physical exercise. I did four consecutive days of work-outs! When I noticed I wasn’t being challenged enough in my pilates, I moved forward to a more advanced work-out. I have been eating healthier, trying new things (chocolate Silk = GREAT!) and cooking more. I’ve also given myself a ‘cheat day’ which I think will really help me curb those binges. Also came up with great fitness plans and diet plans. Oh- and I've been really good about keeping up with this blog!


I won’t call these ‘failures’ because failure is such a negative word (ha! Like that’s stopped me before!). Let’s call these challenges. I didn’t work-out very well at all on Tuesday and Wednesday, aside from a brisk walk at work during the day, I did jack-diddly-squat. My son was sick, so I couldn’t go to the gym (which was very frustrating for me). I fell off the wagon a couple of times and indulged myself in deep fried foods (though I did very well during the days and afternoons). I definitely could have done more cardio throughout the week and, instead, focused more on strength-training and pilates.

Goals for next week:

-Do more cardio, overall
-Stick to diet plan
-Get to the gym more often

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