Sunday, March 16, 2008

Day Five

Journal Entry #5
For the Date Of: March 14/08

Food Eaten:

I'm actually quite happy with how I did this day. In the morning- 1 bowl of oatmeal. Lunch- a footlong roasted chicken sub. For dinner- half a roasted chicken breast, whole grain rice and asparagus. I snacked on a pack of 90-calorie cinnamon and suger rice cakes. I might have had one or two whopper easter eggs but I think on the whole I did a good job.


Since Monday thru Thursday are the only days I can get to the gym because of their child care hours, I was restricted to staying at home (though, of course, Joey is finally feeling better). So I did a full pilates workout at home- abs, buns and thighs and arms.

Total workout time: 30 minutes

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